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Proposal 3

I however felt that the building had become too institutional and possibly imposing, I therefore took a step back and decided to split the form into smaller widths based loosely on the shop frontages of King Street high street.

Splitting up the form allowed the development of a repeated structural bay, inspired by Tom Kundig's 'Rolling Huts'.

Maintenance of canal frontage

Allignment with the existing access road and the Car Park

Radiating lines from the centre point of the striking original Essoldo cinema opening allow the form to span out

Window seat allows views of trees and visibility of bike parking

Geometry frames pathway plus is continued along edge with 

Interesting corner reaching out towards canal, maximises views up and down canal

Curved bench sits alongside existing public sculpture

After coming across  Shuhei Endo's work I aimed to constrain the internal layout to more perpendicular angles in order to wrap the roof form over, uniting the three separate programatic areas.

Rooftecture M-Shuhei Endo

Rationalising the layout allowed the frame to become more aligned, thus facilitating a single roof form to be wrapped over.

Proposal 2

Food store cramped and un-ergonomical

Perpendicular arrangement facilitates ordered frame

Entrance alcoves add definition, could be covered with extended canopy

Lacks interaction with neighbouring trees (lack of views

Orthogonal dining area lacks intimacy

Canal cafe roof feels disjointed from unified main building

Mezzanine void is very narrow, may feel constrained

Shop balconies create interesting outdoor space

Programatically this design worked well however the fluctuating geometry created an disjointed frame layout, resulting in an uncomposed roof form. 

Initially moving from 3.1 three separate buildings were connected via 'joints', trying to maintain the visual definition of alternate functions.

Proposal 1

Convenient access to public toilets from canal path

Opportunity to create interesting space beneath extended eaves

Cafe decking creates pinch point on canal path

Logical and ergonomic path direction

Alignment with existing road

Three Key Turning Points in the Projects Development


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