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Defining the Enclosed Street Space

Form and Roof Structure

Correlated Steel Roof Sheeting


MDF Board

Glulam or Timber Beam

Timber Battons

This concept was similar to the way in which street lamps and various signage  defines the verticality of a street space and linked to my idea of recreating King Streets' street furniture.

I chose to construct the project from varying sizes of confident beams, being visible both inside and externally, exploring more intricate and interesting ways of using this structure

The illustrated precedents show how framed structures work best when repeated and various ways in which timber/glulam beams could be fastened.

Exposing Frame for Definition

Inspired by Endo Shuhei, the glulam beams were to be topped in Corrugated Steel roofing sheets, a cheap, simple yet interesting material

Corregated Steel 'Wrapping'

Cuts, Openings and their impact on Light and Solar Gain

Initially inspired by an existing site shelter I wished to create a roof form that defined the external space beneath

Concept Frame

Frame and Roof Experimentation

Cutting and Rotating

Chosen location of cuts in the roof sheet

Incorporating reformed Geometry

Glazed curtain walls were positioned to be north facing, whilst the shop front glazing was protected by the main buildings shade. 

Rooms with the most activity had access to daylight whilst darker spaces houses toilets and services. 

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