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The Pedestrian Walkway

Enticing Views into the Site

View B- Entering the site looking towards the canal side cafe from the Bridgewater canal route

View A- Entering the project via its main entrance from Edge Street

View C- Main Dining Space, Internal Linear Route through spaces

Mont-Cernis Accademy

Joudra Architects

The buildings form depended on the location of the pedestrian walkways which relied on:

1. Entrance and exit points of the site

2.Final destinations

3.Level changes resulting in ramp gradients

Collaging the canal and Edge Street entrance helped my understand how these areas may feel and how the building should be formed as a result. 

Precedents Used

Portable Construction Training Centre


Paul Wit Guest House 

Big Sur

Precedents Used

Regensburg House

Thomas Herzog

Portable Construction Training Centre


Offering shop frontage onto Edge Street

Clearly differentiated 'walk' and 'pause' spaces within landscaping

Extended eaves for 

'sheltered' feeling

Glazed frontages 

(enticing views inside)

Clear visibility from canal approaches (acts as a way finder and stop off point)

Sensory planting (scented beds)

Glazing to maximise views over canal

Evening and morning sun=beautiful reflections on the water

Views into wild vegetation opposite

Pine Creek Pavilion

Artemis Institute

Mont-Cernis Accademy

Joudra Architects

Burnley Living Roof

Hassel Landscape

Serving hatch links kitchen to dining space

Visible Structure breaks up volume

Extension of 'kitchen' activities into dining space helps connect spaces (more inclusive)

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