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Gwanju Bienealle Support Centre

ateliermob, 2015

Community Kitchen of Terra da Costa

Satelite Architects, 2015

River Cottage Cookery School

Ipostudio, 2015

Old Persons Home

Bamboo Bridge School

Li Xiadong Atelier, 2010

Cyclops Acoustic Barrier Housing

Sophus Sobye, 2015

Culture Centre, Copenhagen

Holscher Nordburg, 2010

The Loop, Copenhagen

Barriers and Walls

Due to the heavy traffic along Chester Road and Kingsway precedents where barriers shelter a nestled design were examined 

Cooking and Eating Spaces

These precedents compare two very different cooking typologies, one affordable and one at aimed at a more luxury market. Both are however L-shaped and provide long thin eating and food preparation areas with a corner 'heart' providing services.

Alternate Paths

These precedents provide new ways for users to explore and travel through an area. These could be utilised to cross the main roads or as ways to unite clusters of nodes around the site.

Choosing appropriate yet inspiring built precedents


NIO, 2013

IROJE Architects, 2015

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